Dr. Jan Jakubek
Physicist, mathematician, software and hardware designer with 20 years long experience in field of radiation detection and radiation imaging.
Topics: Imaging with ionizing radiation, study of semiconductor detection structures and their applications, radiation spectroscopy, multi-parametric spectroscopy, spectroscopy based imaging, mathematical data analysis, algorithms. Designing of instrumentation for physical measurements including hardware solutions and related software tools, proof-of-concept measurements, prototyping.
Scientific results: Author of about 300 highly cited articles in scientific journals (more than 5000 citations). Many public presentations for international scientific forums. About 15 invited talks in international scientific conferences. He tightly collaborates with many major scientific organizations (e.g. CERN, NASA, ILL and ESRF Grenoble, PSI Switzerland, ANSTO and CSIRO Australia, VTT Finland) universities (e.g. University of Houston, Wollongong, Montreal, Heidelberg, INFN, Aalto). He has experience with commercialization of scientific results in industry.
Occupation: Jan Jakubek works for Widepix company as SCO and for IEAP CTU in Prague as head of department of technology and physical applications