Our Experts
Dr. Jan Jakubek
Physicist, mathematician, software and hardware designer with 20 years long experience in field of radiation detection and radiation imaging.
Dr. Jan Tous
Dr. Jan Tous has been working for more than ten years in the field of ionising radiation detection and imaging. He is involved mainly in high spatial resolution detection systems based on scintillation single crystals.
Dr. Vijayaragavan Viswanathan
Dr. Vijay Viswanathan has more than 6 years of research and development experience working on various areas such as radiation dosimetry, camera design, EDA, thermal management, floor planning, design optimization.
Dr. Juha Kalliopuska
Juha has been working in the field of semiconductor detectors for more than 10 years. His core competence is in silicon sensor design and processing.
M.Sc. Daniel Turecek
Software and hardware designer with 6 years long experience in the field of radiation detection and radiation imaging.
M.Sc. Sami Vähänen
Solder bump based flip chip expert with insight of hybrid integration of electronic devices.